The Schneider Downs Business Process Automation team is committed to assisting clients with the evaluation, 采用和实施机器人过程自动化技术.
我们与客户一起评估用例, 进行成本效益分析, implement process automation, 并为您的业务自动化流程的操作提供持续的支持.
For 30 years, 施耐德唐斯帮助组织将技术转化为广泛的内部控制和业务流程的变革. 我们的团队有深入的知识, business acumen, 以及将业务自动化技术转化为战略解决方案以帮助组织提高效率所必需的深厚经验, reduce risk and drive growth.
Robotic Process Automation, commonly referred to as RPA, 一类业务流程自动化技术是否用于创建软件机器人, commonly known as “bots” that automate tasks and streamline processes using human-centric interfaces. 通过实施这种经济高效且可扩展的技术, 各种规模的组织都在通过使用虚拟劳动力而不是增加人员水平来处理对业务运营至关重要的大容量任务,从而提高运营效率.
24X7X365 -提高生产效率与机器人全天候工作,而不用担心生病, vacation, or attrition.
Cost Savings -使您的组织在不增加员工数量的情况下提高生产力.
Employee Engagement -让你的员工专注于更高价值的任务和战略工作, 机器人负责乏味, mundane tasks.
Reduced Risk –Eliminate the risk of human error and provide audit trails for compliance and regulatory requirements.
Scalable – Maximize an agile and scalable virtual workforce that evolves with your organizations’ needs and growth.
Speed – Significantly reduce task completion time and increase processing capacity without additional resources.
Transparency -通过数据分析即时获取详细的绩效报告和业务见解,以持续改进和提高生产力.
Consultation -每个业务自动化参与都以咨询开始,以更好地了解您的组织为什么对RPA技术感兴趣,以及虚拟劳动力如何为您工作.
Process Analysis -确定为自动化候选的业务流程将根据其潜在的实现难度和成本效益进行评分.
Development and Pilot – Once a process is selected, 施耐德唐斯团队将提供详细的分析,以记录工作流程中涉及的任务,并推进RPA开发和部署试点.
Integration – Information from the pilot provides critical feedback that is used to optimize and refine the bot for full-scale deployment.
On average the business automation development can take anywhere between two to eight weeks based on business process documentation, development, testing and task complexity.
业务流程自动化提供的关键优势之一是能够影响许多内部控制和业务单元,而不受行业或垂直行业的影响. 以下是我们的技术如何帮助您简化组织的几个例子.
For more information please contact us or download our 业务流程自动化bet9平台游戏概述 brochure.
Schneider Downs Technology Advisors are committed to providing value-added technology services and solutions to our clients. We strive to create an ongoing mutually beneficial relationship with our clients by focusing on client satisfaction, 提供优质bet9平台游戏,并持续教育及培训员工. 在当今苛刻的世界市场, one of the most challenging tasks facing a company is utilizing and processing information effectively and efficiently.
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